- Founder and Head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation (1986 - 1997), Faculty of Advanced Dentistry, Moscow Medical Institute of Dental them. N.A. Semashko (MMSI - now MSMUU named after AI Evdokimov)
- Professor, Department of Dentistry, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.
- Chairman of the Association of Laser Dentistry of Russia.
- Professor, Department of Dentistry and Implantology, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
- The author of the technology for assessing the objective pain sensitivity of a person and the effectiveness of anesthesia in dentistry
During the period of work in the IAMI, under the direction of Igor Alexandrovich, 15 Ph.D. theses were defended, over 12 author's certificates were received, 2 doctoral dissertations, a unique program was developed for the section: "Pain, pain relief and emergency care in the treatment of dental diseases", which was first introduced in the USSR in the system of postgraduate dental education and is currently included in the relevant programs and curricula and is being implemented in educational institutions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation its time.
Being a member of the StAR since its inception, he actively participates in events: he has repeatedly organized and participated in conferences and symposia in various regions of Russia. In 2007, the section of the STAR "Association of Laser Dentistry" was created, the chairman of which he was elected and is currently.
Over the past 5 years, the Association held 5 international congresses in Moscow, established and published the journal Innovative Dentistry.